Starcadia Quest: Build-A-Robot Expansion

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880 S Main St. #134, Logan, UT
    Starcadians! Your days of building amateur bot model kits are over! Fresh off the assembly line, this industrious expansion introduces multi-part Robots with unique abilities, all tracked via a new Robot Dashboard.

    Robots aren't pets, no no, they are fully autonomous friends who add unique new powers to their Hero mast-er, friends. And each Robot is fully customizable for every zany situation you find yourself in (except rust storms...then you're on your own)!

    These Robots have backstories, too. A new line of quests introduces Bulldozer, created by Thorne but has taken to the destruction of Starcadia too literally and will stop at nothing to achieve that!

    Campaign Sheet Pad
    13 Highly-detailed Miniatures
    38 Cards
    30+ Tokens
    3 Game Tiles
    4 Robot Dashboards

    Ages: 14+
    Players: 2-4
    Game Length: 60 minutes

    This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Starcadia Quest is required to play.

    - $45.00

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