Posthuman Saga

Regular price $72.00 1 in stock
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880 S Main St. #134, Logan, UT
    Just over a year ago, you journeyed into the Fortress, the last bastion of organized human society in the area. The community there took you in and helped you hone the skills you need to contribute to its struggle for survival.

    Now you're being sent out into the mutant-infested Wilds to connect the last remaining communities of humans. You are to bring them back into the fold to expand the Fortress' hold on the region. Like you, there's a steady stream of wanderers making their way through the Fortress' gates and in this brave new world, only the most useful are welcome. It's time to prove yourself...

    Posthuman Saga is a competitive, tactical survival adventure, set in the post-apocalyptic world of Posthuman. The game can be played in three modes: Solo, Competitive, or Cooperative. It combines euro mechanics with a finely crafted story to create an experience that will challenge your system-busting skills while immersing you in a rich post-apocalyptic world.

    136 Poker Cards
    64 Terrain Tiles
    214 Mini Cards
    335 Tokens
    8 Missions
    4 Mutant Bosses
    4 Player Boards
    28 Pegs
    2 Reference Cards
    1 Journey Board
    32 Wooden Cubes
    5 Minis
    2 Cloth Bags
    12 Dice
    Solo Sheet

    Ages: 14+
    Players: 1-4
    Game Length: 30 minutes per player

    - $72.00

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